Odessa High School
Class of 1959
Lost Classmates Page
Updated May 19, 2014



Please contact us (Joyce) if you have any information or questions about these classmates!

Last name		First name
Admire			Jeannie
Baber			Betty Joann
Butler (Evans)		Nancy Lee
Canterbury		Robert
Cook			Betty Jean
Davis			William Robert
Duer			Colline Kay
Eades			Sandra Kay
Edwards		James
Francis			David
Hallmark		Robert Heston
Hopkins		Nancy Louise
Kelley			Elizabeth
Kennedy		Patricia Ann
Kueha			Joyce Jennice
McClure		Betty
McCracken		Mary Frances
Morris			Tyron or Tyrone
Peninger		John (misspelled last name in directory)
Price			Darlene
Randle			Janice Martha
Sherman		Katherine Ruth
Smith			Charlcia Lorene
Smith			Larry G
Stephens		Mary Kathryn
Stinson			Dorothy Ann
William			Carson B
Williamson		Mike

