Odessa High School
Class of 1959
Fun Page

Updated 10/20/2004



OHS classmates and faculty are invited to submit FUN STUFF to  Cliff to be inserted in this page. Thank you.

Date Item
10/20/04 Signs of the times


It's a good Deal, but oh the college costs!

How do you get there from here???

A little extreme, don't ya think?

I think I'll keep
driving !

Sometimes a name change is the best
 idea !

Take me to the cleaners, baby !

??? McLogic

What part of ONLY don't they
understand ??

Enough said.

We is educated !!



I know some of you are not old enough to remember but this email below was put together in a great way, hope you enjoy it.  

Remember this??

The following were some comments made in the year 1959:

(1) "I'll tell you one thing, if things keep going the way they are, its going to be impossible to buy a weeks groceries for $20.00."

(2) "Have you seen the new cars coming out next year? It won't be long when $5,000 will only buy a used one."

(3) "If cigarettes keep going up in price, I'm going to quit. A quarter a pack is ridiculous."

(4) "Did you hear the post office is thinking about charging a dime just to mail a letter?"

(5) "If they raise the minimum wage to $1, nobody will be able to hire outside help at the store."


(6) "When I first started driving, who would have thought gas would someday cost 29 cents a gallon. Guess we'd be better off leaving the car in the garage,"

(7) "Kids today are impossible. Those ducktail hair cuts make it impossible to stay groomed. Next thing you know, boys will be wearing their hair as long as the girls,"


(8) "I'm afraid to send my kids to the movies any more. Ever since they let Clark Gable get by with saying damn in "Gone With The Wind", it seems every new movie has either hell or damn in it."

(9) "I read the other day where some scientist thinks it's possible to put a man on the moon by the end of the century. They even have some fellows they call astronauts preparing for it down in Texas."

(10) "Did you see where some baseball player just signed a contract for $75,000 a year just to play ball? It wouldn't surprise me if someday that they will be making more than the President."

(11)  "I never thought I'd see the day all our kitchen appliances would be electric. They are even making electric typewriters now"

(12) "It's too bad things are so tough nowadays. I see where a few married women are having to work to make ends meet."

(13) "It won't be long before young couples are going to have to hire someone to watch their kids so they can both work."

(14) "I'm just afraid the Volkswagen car is going to open the door to a whole lot of foreign business."

(15) "Thank goodness I won't live to see the day when the Government takes half our income in taxes.. I sometimes wonder if we are electing the best people to Congress."

(16) "The drive-in restaurant is convenient in nice weather, but I seriously doubt they will ever catch on."

(17)  "There is no sense going to Lincoln or Omaha anymore for a weekend. It costs nearly $15.00 a night to stay in a hotel."

(18) "No one can afford to be sick any more, $35.00 a day in the hospital is too rich for my blood."


10/20/04 From Gail Birdsong: Click on the following link.
You Thrill Me 
    1.  Kidnappers are not very interested in you.
    2. In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first.
    3. No one expects you to run - anywhere.
    4.  People call at 9 PM and ask, "Did I wake you?
    5. People no longer view you as a hypochondriac.
    6. There is nothing left to learn the hard way.
    7. Things you buy now won't wear out.
    8.  You can eat dinner at 4 PM
    9. You enjoy hearing about other peoples operations.
  10. You get into heated arguments about pension plans.
  11. You have a party and the neighbors don't even realize it.
  12. You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge.
  13. You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks
         into  the room.
  14. You sing along with elevator music
  15. Your eyes won't get much worse.
  16. Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to payoff
  17. Your joints are more accurate meteorologists than the National
        Weather Service.
  18. Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't
         remember them either.
  19. Your supply of brain cells is finally down to manageable size.
  20. You can't remember who sent you this list.
10/15/03 The following quotes are from Terry W. Pratt’s presentation at the OHS Class of 1958   45th Class Reunion banquet held in Odessa, Texas at the Eleganté Hotel on September 13, 2003.


1.1    You took your dog for a walk and you both had to use the same tree.

2.1 You and your Dad went to the dump and always brought back more than you took.

2.2 You remember your Dad using a toilet brush for a back scratcher.

2.3 Your neighbors thought your Dad was a detective because a cop brought him home every evening.

2.4 Your Mom cleaned your face with spit and a hanky.

 3. HOME:
3.1 Your Dad’s pickup had curtains but your home didn’t.

3.2 You always wondered why the Humble gas station had cleaner restrooms than your bathrooms at home.

3.3 You and your sister’s cereal bowls both had Borden’s Butter on their sides.

3.4 When you had your friends over for supper, your Mother used her ironing board as a buffet table.

3.5 Your Mother always carried a large can of Raid in her apron.

3.6 When you asked your Mom what Fast Food was she told you it was what your Dad brought home after hitting it while driving 65 on the highway.

3.7 Your working TV sat on top of your non-working TV.

3.8 When you had your friends over and they asked about the clutter, you told them it was family heirlooms.

3.9 You watched your Dad set fire to the yard in the spring rather than thatch it with a lawn mower.

4.1 One day you overheard your girlfriend’s mother telling her, “Remember, honey, if it’s got tires or testicles you are going to have trouble with it.”

5.1 You remember your Grandmother putting shotgun shell on her Christmas list one year.

6.1 You entertained your girlfriend by taking her to the caliche pit so she could watch you shoot beer bottles for two hours.

7. CARS:
7.1 You lost your gas cap your junior year and stuffed a rag in the opening unit the end of your senior year when you got a gas cap as a graduation present.

7.2 You were one of the first persons to get personalized license plates because your Dad had a job making them at Huntsville.

8.1 You remember losing a football game one year because half the starting linemen had jury duty that afternoon.

9.1 You won first place at the Science Fair by demonstrating how to use a siphoning hose to fill a five-gallon gas can in 75 seconds in the dark.

10.1 You offered to give a homeless man the shirt off your back and he declined the offer.

10.2 Before you left for college, you took your mattress down to the Salvation Army and they wouldn’t take it.

11.1 You don’t remember too many cultural events; however, you did consider doing a canon ball off the high board at the county pool a nutcracker.

12.1 It is the only place you know where they refer to hemorrhoids as asteroids.

 And with that, he ended his recollections of growing up in West Texas!

 If you have any comments, additions or remembrances of growing up in West Texas, please send them to Terry at his e-mail address, twptexas@aol.com.  

11/10/02 Submitted by JB Stringer and modified 03/08/03 by and e-mail sent from Caron S. Sramek Babcock:



Every ten years, as summertime nears,

An announcement arrives in the mail,

"A reunion is planned; it'll be really grand;

Make plans to attend without fail."  

I'll never forget the first time we met;

We tried so hard to impress.

We drove fancy cars, smoked big cigars,

And wore our most elegant dress.  

It was quite an affair; the whole class was there.

It was held at a fancy hotel.

We wined and we dined and we acted refined,

And everyone thought it was swell.  

The men all conversed about who had been first

To achieve great fortune and fame.

Meanwhile, their spouses described their fine houses

And how beautiful their children became.  

The homecoming queen, who once had been lean,

Now weighed in at one-ninety-six.

The jocks who were there had all lost their hair,

And the cheerleaders could no more do kicks.  

No one had heard about the class nerd

Who'd guided a spacecraft to the moon;

Or poor little Jane, who'd always been plain;

She married a shipping tycoon.  

The boy we'd decreed "most apt to succeed"

Was serving ten years in the pen,

While the one voted "least" now was a priest;

Shows you can be wrong now and then.  

They awarded a prize to one of the guys

Who seemed to have aged the least.

Another was given to the grad who had driven

The farthest to attend the feast.  

They took a class picture, a curious mixture

Of beehives, crew cuts and wide ties.

Tall, short or skinny, the style was the mini;

You never saw so many thighs.


At our next get-together, no one cared whether

They impressed their classmates or not.

The mood was informal, a whole lot more normal;

By this time we'd all gone to pot.  

It was held out-of-doors, at the lake shores;

We ate hamburgers, coleslaw and beans.

Then most of us lay around in the shade,

In our comfortable T-shirts and jeans.

By the fortieth year, it was abundantly clear,

We were definitely over the hill.

Those who weren't dead had to crawl out of bed,

And be home in time for their pill.

And now I can't wait; they've just set the date;

Our fiftieth is coming, I'm told.

It should be a ball, they've rented a hall

At the Shady Rest Home for the old.  

Repairs have been made on my hearing aid;

My pacemaker's been turned up on high.

My wheelchair is oiled, my teeth have been boiled;

And I've bought a new wig and glass eye.  












I'm feeling quite hearty, I'm ready to party;

I'll dance 'til the dawn's early light.

It'll be lots of fun; I just hope there's one

Other person who gets there that night.   











Author unknown

Email Cliff for more information.
