Odessa High School
Class of 1959

Classmate Information
Updated April 29, 2014

Please fill out the following information completely and accurately. Don't forget to click on "submit" at the end of the form. Use this form for any additions or changes. You only need to fill in the information that has changed.


First name: (required)
Last name in 1959:  (required)
Married name if different:
Care of:  
City, State, zip:
Home phone:
Work phone: 
Cell phone:  
E-mail:  (required)
Personal Web page: 

Biographical sketch: 

Personal information: (Family information, i.e., children [include married names], grandchildren, marital status, hobbies, pets, etc.)

Professional information: (current position, previous experience, education, etc.)

Miscellaneous: (Any other information you would like to share, etc.)

In addition, please send a current photograph to Joyce at:

        joyce@ohs59.com or 

 Joyce McCarty Greenlee
702 E Henry St
Hamilton Tx 76531

ps  If you were not in the annual, please include a picture taken about 1959.



Email Joyce at for more information.